Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor Day

This last weekend was Labor Day. Most people went to lakes and cookouts, but my family decided it would be fun to just stay at home and to nothing. It was not fun at all. The one good thing that came from this was down time to read. I read about 200 pages and finished No Country For Old Men. The book was very exiting and once I started reading I just did not want to put the book down. Basically Moss is still on the run from Chigurh and the others who want the money. Chigurh finally catches up with Moss at a motel by the boarder to Mexico.  After all the shooting has stopped Moss got away shot like 3 times and the invincible Chigurh was even wounded. Moss stumbles off to the other side of the boarder and has a Mexican take him to the hospital. We meet a character named Wells who is hired to get the money back. He finds Moss in the hospital and tells him he can protect him. But he cannot and Chigurh kills him. In the end I was disappointed because the book did not have a climax. I felt that it was building to a final confrontation, but it didn’t. It went form rising action straight to falling action.