Thursday, September 1, 2011

Second Book

The book I chose to read this week was No Country for Old Men. I have never seen the movies so I do not know what to expect. So far it has basically been described through three characters perspectives. These three characters are all connected in the big picture. The three characters are Ed Tom Bell the Sheriff, Anton Chigurh, and Llewelyn Moss. The book starts off with Chigurh in killing a policeman while handcuffed. This event kind of showed you right off the bat how graphic this book is. Next, Llewelyn was hunting and he found some trucks. As he gets closer he starts to see dead bodies. The trucks held three things, a suitcase full of money, heroin, and dead Mexicans. He looks around the scene. He ends up taking the money, a machine gun, and a hand gun. Next we find ourselves with Bell the Sheriff. He seems to be the clean up after the action and one step behind. We Last we find ourselves with Chigurh. Every chapter he has been in he has killed at least one person. He seems like a very interesting character. He is probably my favorite on so far. He is a psychopathic killer but there is just something about him that is cool. He almost seems like he is larger than life. Almost like an epic villain that cannot die.  There was only one part of the author’s style that I did not like. In some lines he does not say who said the line. This can get confusing at times but this is only on rare occasion. A quote from the book that I liked was “You know how this is going to turn out, don't you? Nope. I think you do. So this is what I'll offer - you bring me the money and I'll let her go. Otherwise she's accountable, same as you. That's the best deal you're gonna get. I won't tell you you can save yourself, because you can't. Yeah, I'm going to bring you something, alright. In fact, I'm making you a special project of mine. You won't have to come looking for me at all. I liked this quote because it gave me a lot of insight into both of these characters. I felt that this quote showed Anton Chigurh’s character. I feel that it shows that what he does is not totally random he has rules that he follows, and that he lives up to his word. Also, this quote showed me character traits of Moss as well.  It showed me that he will not give up and roll over. Also that he still thinks he has a fighting chance at outsmarting the men how are tracking him.